Experience and Expertise: Infectious Disease

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Infectious Disease: Experience & Expertise

  • INFECTIOUS DISEASE is an area of growing interest for Defined Health’s clients. Historically, DH has done extensive work on antivirals across the entire spectrum of acute and chronic disease, with most emphasis on HCV/HBV and HIV. Work on novel antibiotics and antifungals is increasing significantly.
  • Clients have asked Defined Health to advise them on a diverse selection of questions for antibiotics example: Is surgical prophylaxis a viable option? Are there commercially attractive niches left within community infections? For antivirals, assessments have included work on immune-modifying agents, biologicals, small molecules, and vaccines for HCV, HBV, HIV, HPV, VZV, CMV, RSV and influenza.
  • Our expertise covers all classes of antibiotics from aminoglycosides through quinolones, to macrolides and streptogramins, and a broad range of potential indications:
  • Community and Hospital acquired pneumonia
  • Osteomyelitis and joint infections
  • Orphan indications like cystic fibrosis
  • Surgical prophylaxis
  • Healthcare acquired infections
  • Multi-drug resistant pathogens
  • Biofilms

Infectious Disease: Select Recent Case Studies

  • In-licensing opportunity assessment of a variety of Gram positive agents, including epidemiology, segmentation, treatment algorithms for community and hospital acquired infections and full competitive assessments.
  • Portfolio assessment and potential for optimal positioning for overlapping products within a company’s portfolio.
  • Evaluation of surgical prophylaxis for a number of procedures with varying risks of infection, including physician, surgeon and payer research to fully understand the drivers required to change surgeon’s current practice in favor of a targeted spectrum antibiotic.
  • Full evaluation including epidemiology, segmentation, treatment algorithms of a community antibiotic to support the client’s discussion with potential partners and financiers.
  • Evaluation of HPV vaccines for a financial firm – assessment of clinical and commercial challenges and drivers, and forecast model creation.
  • Valuation of next generation protease inhibitors for HIV for financial firm, including assessment of trends for PI versus NNRTI first line regimens, impact of integrase inhibitor, etc.
  • Assessment of novel agent for RSV for drug delivery company looking to enable the better efficacy of the molecule with its platform technology.
  • Assisted a major multinational pharma company with an extent HIV franchise in strategically identifying novel targets for treatment of HIV and the future of HIV therapy more generally.
  • Provided a major private equity bank with DH’s objective and informed assessment of a development stage asset for HIV as part of the bank’s investment decision, delivering both a qualitative evaluation and quantitative valuation of this next generation anti-HIV agent. Investment made and then company acquired by another bio-pharma company.
  • Helped a major pharma company with its analysis of the future opportunities for IFNs in infectious disease.
  • Assisted a major pharma company with a qualitative review of preventive and therapeutic vaccines for infectious disease (HCV, HBV, HPV, HIV).